It’s Finally Starting to Feel Like Fall

The first two weeks of November have been like no other year. The drama of the presidential election has made it almost impossible to think about anything else. With proponents from both parties spouting desperate reasons why the other candidate shouldn’t be elected, it was hard to find anything else to capture my attention. On…


Snakes and Skunks

Snakes and Skunks For over a week I had been noticing strange things in the barn. Most mornings I would find one of the cat food bowls emptied out. Sometimes the bowl would be on its side. If you have ever owned a cat you would know that cats rarely will eat every piece of…


With a Little Help from Myself

As much as I love the ending of the summer heat and the beginning of fall, this time of year always seems to feel a little crazy. I don’t know why, but from now until around February the tension and chaos gets progressively stronger. Maybe it is because I want to be outside more but…


It’s Time to Make Some Lemonade

One thing that life has taught me is that perspective can make you or break you. Perspective is about what we choose to focus on. It involves a very important point of reference, and a particular span of time over which the analysis occurs. A good perspective can fuel dreams and provide the necessary drive…


The Carrot Cake Was So Worth It

It’s been a hectic two weeks. Between my husband’s work schedule and mine, we have been run ragged. Late nights and early mornings seem to be a regular part of the schedule these days. Throw in some unexpected problems (like the tractor breaking down) and the stress gets unbearable. Fortunately, my husband and I just…


What an Amazing Week

My first full week back at work after family left could have been a drudgery. I will admit that most mornings (4:30am when I rolled out of bed) felt that way. But routine has a way of settling deep into your bones, and brings a sense of comfort. Of course, being greeted after my shower…


A Lot Has Happened In the Last Two Weeks

We spent the first week getting ready for family to come into town. It has been a struggle just to keep up with things at home, so it took me all week to prepare for company. My sister and brother, with their respective spouses, arrived on Saturday afternoon from Pennsylvania. My husband and I were…


Pushing the Reset Button

Finally, I am back to blogging. The last several weeks have felt like I was barely keeping my head above water. There has been no lack of work at either of my jobs, and at the end of each day I felt exhausted, and frustrated that I didn’t accomplish more. Getting out of town for…


Comfort Food, Preparing to Travel, and Making Peace with My To-do List

  I have had a very busy week, last week. Getting ready to be gone from my day job for 2 weeks means I have to work extra hard to make sure that I don’t leave work for my coworkers to do. I have to make all of my deadlines that are in the next…


Cooler Weather Came at Just the Right Time

  The last several weeks have tested my tolerance of the heat. There is never any lack of work on the farm, but usually by the time it gets in the upper 90s to over 100 degrees, it has stopped raining. No rain means no mowing. In late summer we do very little outside; usually.…
