Despite the fact that there is still one more week of March, I feel like I am getting farther and farther behind schedule. It has been so warm that the trees are budding and the nurseries are selling flowers and vegetables. The grass is growing in the yard, and the weeds are growing in the flowerbeds and garden.
My husband and I have been spending every weekend working outside. As a matter of fact, my house is a total mess. I am lucky to be keeping up with the laundry. The days have been so warm, that all of nature has responded.
I have multiple projects going at all times. I truly believe that this keeps me productive; experts would disagree. The stress comes in when I work all weekend without completing any of those projects. I definitely make progress on them, but completion sometimes involves a series of steps.
Let me tell you what I did last weekend. I constructed a trellis for my new Confederate Jasmine vine. I feel that the landscaping in front of the house is not balanced. I decided that there needs to be a large something in front of the downspout. A bush is not practical, so I decided on a vine. I bought a narrow trellis, but it was too short so I decided to use two and attach them one on top of the other.
I am not the kind of woman to make my husband do things that I know that I can do. I bought the bolts and drilled the holes myself. It went together just like I imagined it would. I planted the vine and then we went down to the river for rocks to place around it to protect it from the water coming out of the downspout.
Since the trellis is so high, it needs extra support so I bought some angled aluminum to attach to the trellis to help stabilize it. I have to cut the metal, bend it and drill it before I attach it to the trellis. I also need a few more rocks from the river.
We finished the sprinkler system for the fruit trees, tested it for leaks, fixed the leaks, and buried it. We still have to buy and plant an apple tree to replace the one that died last summer.
I was going to put some green sand in the garden, but the sand inside the bag was too wet to sprinkle on the garden. I put it in a wheel barrow and broke it apart so it could dry. Unfortunately, by the time it was ready to spread, the weekend was over. No big deal, I’ll finish up one day after work. Then came the unexpected storm over night, which rained into the wheel barrow! Now the sand is too wet to sprinkle on the garden.
All throughout the weekend, I would pull some weeds here and there in the flower beds. I know it sounds goofy, but it’s soothing to me. I never did make it to plant any lettuce or carrot seeds in my garden boxes.
Well, this weekend is Easter weekend. We will do no work on Sunday. It is just family time. If we decide to plant some seeds, we will do it together as a family. Or perhaps we will walk down to the river.
Friday evening was clean up the house time. Today, I am likely on my way to the lake to go fishing as you are reading this. We are going fishing for primarily catfish. I would love to catch some walleye, too.
We usually have lamb for Easter supper, but thought that a fish fry sounded good this year. It’s a shame the whole family can’t be together. We will miss our son and daughter-in-law.
That’s my entire weekend, in a nutshell. We will be staying home on Monday, so perhaps I can finish a project or two. It was originally our fishing day, but Saturday’s weather looks better. Hopefully, on Monday, the sand will be dry enough to spread in the garden.
We have a few plants already to put in the garden once it is amended and tilled for the last time. In years past, we always had at least one freeze in March hard enough to kill what we had planted. This year I have actual freeze blankets to protect everything. I bought them when I saw the fruit trees blooming. We actually have peaches already growing on our tree.
I really am learning to let go of my angst around taking time to relax when there are things to do. It is not easy for me, but time with my family is more important. Without my husband and the kids around me, I would work myself into the ground. They are a real blessing to me.
I hope that your weekend is wonderful, and that you get to spend time with your family and loved ones. Happy Easter everyone! Through God’s sacrifice and the resurrection of Jesus we are guaranteed eternal life in heaven if we only receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Jesus paid the penalty for all sin from the beginning of time to the end, because if He didn’t, no one could ever pay the penalty sufficiently to be allowed to live with God. We have been separated from God since the first sin in the Garden of Eden. Through Jesus God grants us the choice to be heirs of His heavenly kingdom. God loves us more than anyone can imagine! Thank you Jesus!
Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
Romans 5:15-16 …For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. And the result of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin. For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins.