A New Look at 2 Anti-Aging Veggies

Let’s take a look at two vegetables that are so common they are often taken for granted or overlooked. These two vegetables belong in more than salads and dieters’ survival kits. Each is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but when paired together have a super effect on strengthening your body and immune system.…


The Transformative Power of Your Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a small gland located in your neck just below your Adams apple. It is one of many glands in the endocrine system and has unique functions. Its butterfly shape hints at the important role it plays. The thyroid’s job is to produce hormones that control how quickly the body uses energy…


Let the Holidays Be Your Reason

Come on, relax a little Wow, here we are, just days from our favorite winter holidays. Wherever you live in the world, whatever holidays you observe, this can be a very stressful time of the year. Typically, holidays are meant to be festive, family oriented and fun; with emphasis on being generous. Stress levels seem…


Avoiding Colds and the Flu

Have you ever wondered why wintertime is flu season? Why do most people stay virus-free all year only to catch a cold over the winter months? There are several contributing factors to this. Over the winter, days are shorter. There are less hours of daylight which makes it harder to spend time outside.  For most…


Fall Fun Food, the Tomato

I’m going to start off with an acknowledgement that the tomato is a highly controversial food. Not just that it is really considered a fruit and not a vegetable; no, no. It seems that the tomato is treated almost like a cult. People tend to be passionate in their belief about this highly versatile food.…


One Simple Thing That Improves Productivity and Raises Grades

Several years ago a movement was started encouraging everyone to “do more with less”. This new way of thinking revolutionized much of the way we move through our daily routine. Some of the changes were economically and environmentally sound. Repurposing items such as turning old newspapers into paper pots for seedlings, or reusing a water…


Why the Nest is Really Never Empty

August is often a very busy month. It is the time that children and young adults return to school. More often than not it is a stressful time; especially when it is time for our children to leave the nest and step out into the world. They are so eager to go sometimes that we…


What Does Sex, Chocolate, and Diamonds Have In Common?

It’s the little buzz of anticipation, elevated heart rate, a glimmer in the eyes, heavy breathing, and a wonderful afterglow.  It’s the magical time when we get caught up in the moment and everything else pales in comparison.  The deep sense of satisfaction that follows takes our most troublesome thoughts and concerns out of focus…


The Secret Life of Swiss Chard

Like the pretty neighbor across the street who seems to lead an ordinary suburban life but is actually out saving the world, Swiss Chard is the super hero in disguise.  More than just a colorful vegetable, it is high in phytonutrients and versatile to cook with. The dark green leaves are loaded with antioxidants and…


To Sun or Not to Sun, That Is the Question

With the arrival of summer comes the overwhelming urge to get outside and spend time shaking off the long winter.  The sun beckons us with its happy, warming rays.  It invites us to come out and interact with the world. Whether you are headed outside to play, work, or relax there are a few things…
